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Wednesday, July 28, 2010


So I'm serious about this exercise plan. I have a few options:

I am going to *try* to walk every day at lunch. (I did today!)
If that fails, I'll have to do something at home.
At home, I can plan to do something outdoors - a walk, or go swimming.

If those things Fail, I have an "Exercise Escape Plan":

This involves stretching while watching TV. Our company's ergonomics guy said that this is OK to do, especially to take a break from exercising some nights and just do some stretching. Hmm, that sounds like a good plan for tonight - just some stretching. Probably not good to start my exercise routine with only stretching. Haha!

I know one thing for sure - if I'm going to do this, I have to implement it into one of the activities I already do (in case I don't have time). I usually get in from work and watch TV while doing more work for freelance clients. Maybe on nights with no freelance work, I can exercise during that time.

I wonder if YouTube has any fun exercise videos! Never thought of that! :-)

And maybe it would help to have an actual checklist that I check off every day for all my tasks. I really love the "Awesome Note" app for the iPod Touch or iPhone. I might start using that more. Maybe something on the blog too... off to investigate some NEW things!

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