7:00am Alarm (yuck)
7:45am Finally get out of bed
7:46am Potty/Teeth Brushing
7:50am Shower
8:00am Dress
(in whatever clothes I can find in piles)
(having clothes on the dryer is one of my husband's biggest pet peeves)
8:10am Dry my hair
8:15am Throw on my sandals and run out the door to work
8:30am-5:00pm Work
5:00pm Stop at the grocery store and pick up something for dinner
5:30pm Make dinner
6:30pm Eat dinner and watch some TV
7:30pm Freelance work (or blogging - sometimes have to do this during dinner)
8:30pm (or 9:30 pm depending on how much I have to do) Relax/TV
10:30pm Brush teeth and get ready for bed
11:00pm Should be sleeping, but probably reading, watching TV, or playing a game on my iPod
Well I have to admit, now seeing my whole day plan, there are some problems. I have no "Cleaning the house" time. I also have 2 hours of "relaxation time" slotted. I could devote some of that time to exercising or cleaning.
I know one thing for sure... if I'm going to do this, I have to jump in head-first and pursue it with complete, undying motivation - enough motivation for two people (Mark and myself). I'll also need to add some variety. I know that he and I cannot go swimming every day - we'll get bored. We'll need to switch up meals, exercise, and cleaning activities daily.
We'll need a schedule... an easy-to-change schedule.
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