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Tuesday, August 10, 2010


So I've realized something about why I'm doing all this, about how I deal with failure or what I perceive as failure. It's like God or whoever runs this crazy universe gave me a failing grade, and I'm on this mission to prove that I can succeed.

So I'm trying to be a better person, a better wife. It would probably be the easiest thing in the world to do, if I didn't resist change so much.

I was playing the new Star Craft 2 on Friday night with my friend Kyle. [hint: We're huge nerds.]

Kyle had to keep reminding me to expand my army and build more bases, while he took over the entire map. I just wanted to stay at my own, cozy base, in my safe, little bubble and create this perfect, little world there.

Well I'm taking his advice! And I'm literally going to expand my army (of one) over the next few weeks. More outings, more pushing past barriers, and less fear! Yeah!

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